Thursday, March 25, 2010

Fight Obesity

Obesity has become one of the most prevalent and serious problems in the United States. Studies show that one in every three Americans is obese. But, the most disconcerting problem is that obesity is so common with children. 20-25 percent of children in the United States are obese or overweight. I believe it is time for the parents to tell their kids to put down the video games, get off the couch, and go outside for an activity.

There are numerous factors that contribute to the development of obesity. Although genetics plays a role in the development, other factors such as taking in more calories than your ability to burn, inactivity in sports or other physical activities and medications are a big part of weight gain. The good news is they can be preventable. Why should you care about your weight? Obesity is correlated with many health risks including the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart attack.

Healthy eating is one of the most important ways for your body to not only decrease the risk of obesity development but to promote a healthy lifestyle. There are several foods that can actually decrease the amount of fat you are taking in as well as curb your cravings for unhealthy foods. Eggs are very low in calories but also contain beneficial nutrients and proteins. Chocoholics, you will be very excited to hear that dark chocolate can help with digestion and lessen your cravings for the unhealthy foods that will assist in weight gain. Skim milk, oranges, and pine nuts will also help with your fight against obesity. There are numerous weight plans and foods to choose from that will help control your cravings and keep you full and satisfied. So ladies and gentlemen, isn’t it time that you started taking care of your body?

Thursday, March 18, 2010

Alcohol and Weight Loss

Most women have the common perception that alcohol causes gain weight. Well that perception may soon change. Recent studies have shown that women who drink in small doses can actually lessen weight gain over the years. Sorry men, this seems to be true only for women.

So, it sounds easy enough right? But what types of alcohol are they considering in this study? Mainly wine. According to an article published in the Archives of Internal Medicine, after a 13-year study stated that the women who drank moderately compared to nondrinkers were less likely to gain weight or develop obesity by 30 percent. This is good news for those of you who enjoy a glass or two of wine after work, during a romantic dinner or a night out with the girls.

Before you being this new alcohol regimen, lets do a cost-benefit analysis. Traditionally we have learned that the downsides of alcohol include liver damage, fetal damage and potential connection to cancer. Even in small or moderate amounts, alcohol can be detrimental to your health. So you must ask yourself does the benefit of weight loss truly outweigh the costs of other health risks that are more severe and life threatening?

Blood Type Diet

You have heard of the low-fat diets, the carb-cutting diets, and diets that require you to count your calories, but have you heard of a diet that determines what type of food you eat and suggests what type of exercise best suits you according to your blood type?

The Blood Type Diet offers different food items and exercise techniques that match with your genetics. This diet follows the theory that each blood type is different, naturally making each body type different. According to Dr. Peter D’Adamo, Type A does best with an organic and minimal meat diet. Type B benefits from a diet that does not include chicken but is replaced by game meats such as venison and rabbit. Type O responds best to a fish diet, particularly salt water. Finally, Type AB benefits from a seafood diet and some dairy products.

Because this diet is so individualized, it sounds like a feasible replacement to the diet crazes, right? Well, the majority of people decide to diet hoping to lose a couple of pounds in a short amount of time. After reading articles and comments of others who have attempted this type of diet, it seems that it may not be the best choice for them. This diet seems to be more of a lifestyle change than a quick tune-up for the body.

Book written by Dr. Peter D'Adamo on the blood type diet