Obesity has become one of the most prevalent and serious problems in the United States. Studies show that one in every three Americans is obese. But, the most disconcerting problem is that obesity is so common with children. 20-25 percent of children in the United States are obese or overweight. I believe it is time for the parents to tell their kids to put down the video games, get off the couch, and go outside for an activity.
There are numerous factors that contribute to the development of obesity. Although genetics plays a role in the development, other factors such as taking in more calories than your ability to burn, inactivity in sports or other physical activities and medications are a big part of weight gain. The good news is they can be preventable. Why should you care about your weight? Obesity is correlated with many health risks including the risk of diabetes, high blood pressure, and heart attack.
Healthy eating is one of the most important ways for your body to not only decrease the risk of obesity development but to promote a healthy lifestyle. There are several foods that can actually decrease the amount of fat you are taking in as well as curb your cravings for unhealthy foods. Eggs are very low in calories but also contain beneficial nutrients and proteins. Chocoholics, you will be very excited to hear that dark chocolate can help with digestion and lessen your cravings for the unhealthy foods that will assist in weight gain. Skim milk, oranges, and pine nuts will also help with your fight against obesity. There are numerous weight plans and foods to choose from that will help control your cravings and keep you full and satisfied. So ladies and gentlemen, isn’t it time that you started taking care of your body?